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Carmen Covito

Welcome to this environment

(Benvenuti in questo

© Bompiani 1997
ISBN 88-452-3522-X

Nureddin, a young clandestine immigrant, keeps watch over the villa of plastic surgeon Ugo Digrosso and his sister Sandrina, businesswoman and electronic genius who has placed a computer in each room. The two have rushed away for a mysterious week-end. But Nureddin is not alone now. The face of a beautiful lady is smiling out at him from a computer screen.
She claims to be an electronic Agent but she is equipped with such a feminine personality that the dialogue between them gets more and more intimate, reminding Nureddin more and more of the love of a woman that he has never actually experienced. He only ever had a father, Yussef the chef, who brought him up following his own personal criteria, keeping him locked up in the basement of the Hilton Hotel in Tunis... Isn't there something, or rather somebody, locked up in the cellar of this villa, too? In a crescendo of surprises, the motherless lad will meet a real Mother Goddess, charming and monstrous... Who is the Lady? What is she? An experiment in plastic surgery tried by Ugo? A case of dangerous madness, as Sandrina thinks? Maybe. Or, maybe, she's just a shattered woman who, to feel more complete, takes the risk of losing her own identity as a human being.

  First ten pages

Six Characters in search of websites
Pocket Edition
Bompiani Grandi Tascabili 1999

Benvenuti in questo ambiente
A new novel by a provocative narrator, aware of the transformations in social customs and language and capable of bringing to life strong, moving plots.

Previous works translated by: Grasset (France) - Delfini (Greece) - Prometheus (Holland) - Lumen (Spain) - Diogenes (Switzerland and Germany) - Norma (Latin America)