If Literature is still to have a cognitive
function, instead of being reduced to sheer entertainment and escapism,
if it is to regain the role it once enjoyed as the favoured channel of
interpretation of the world in which we live, then it can no longer hold
itself aloof from other media. In other words, novelists should not be
unaware of the changes unfolding in society, language and technology.
This is a two-way process, however: on the one hand the world outside
enters into the work of literature as raw material ready for creative
processing; on the other, today's writers have unprecedented opportunities
to enter the media system themselves, as "personalities". I like to think
that writers will not take advantage of this opportunity for the sole
purpose of selling more copies, but also and above all so as to exercise
the critical faculties on which every intellectual's thinking should be
premised. A writer, even more so if she is a woman, can have the effect
of a virus - infecting the media system with subversive messages.
It is a truth quite universally acknowledged, that I am becoming something
of an expert in demolishing gender stereotypes, the kind which women have
digested so completely as to believe, for instance, that they are naturally
computer-illiterate. Two things which I have recently been working on,
both closely connected, will serve to counter that particular commonplace
on women's limitations, because both have to do with new technologies.
One is a novel, the other a website ( http://www.carmencovito.it ), which
I set up as a "novel site".
In the novel, Benvenuti in questo ambiente (Welcome to this Environment,
Bompiani, 1997), one of the main characters is Sandrina Digrosso, a girl
who is also an IT genius, designing and building advanced systems. She
enjoys programming artificial intelligences and at the age of just 23
owns and runs a small but efficient group of management software manufacturers.
One might ask whether a character like Sandrina is credible in the context
of Italy today, but I prefer to ask another question: is her character
probable? I think so. She represents what many Italian girls could in
all probability become, if our social structure and our banks were not
set in their gender prejudices, which hold that a women with technical
and/or scientific interests is not viable either as a woman or as a business
prospect. In order to exist in the real world, all that women like Sandrina
need is creditworthiness. Until they get it, I'm proud of having given
one such woman a literary existence at least.
The real heroine of the novel, however, is the mysterious "Computer Lady",
who appears on the screen as an intelligent agent equipped with "standard
sense of humour" and supplied with the virtual body of an avatar. Needless
to say, I am not going to give the game away to any potential readers
by revealing here whether the Computer Lady really is a chatterbot capable
of passing all the Turing tests, or whether she turns out to be something
rather more terrifying... What I would like to make clear, though, is
that I do not write science fiction. The "environment" of the title is
the one we are living in, the Western world of post-industrial capitalism,
with all its contradictions, its mix of old mindsets and new technological
fixes. It was precisely in order to underscore just how far the new technologies
have already entered into our daily lives that I played on the dual meaning
of the term "environment", by making the book's structure like an operating
environment with "windows". These are the windows which open onto our
mental structure, itself already consisting of fragmented rhythms, sudden
openings onto areas of new experience, closings on flashbacks, re-openings
in another perspective.
Some people may find it strange that a woman like myself, only just the
right side of 50 and whose novels are far from falling into the "underground"
category, should deal with subject matter drawn from information technology
and the transforming impact of telematics on our identity. But it's not
in the least bit strange. What better than the feminism of a fifty year-old
who has no intention of letting the crisis of our Utopias get her down,
who has always refused to see herself as a "different" part of the world,
to enable me to relish the prospect of using IT to bust out of the gender
Like cyber-feminist Donna Haraway, I'd "rather be a cyborg than a goddess".
To exalt the so-called "feminine difference", which in my view is a mere
cultural construct, is to fall back into the trap of inequality, restricting
ourselves to the "sensibility" and "nature" which for some unknown reason
are attributed exclusively to women, while the real power of culture is
as always reserved for men. Women who want to run with the wolves (and
be trapped as always in the same old cultural cage) are welcome to try;
but I'll just sit down with a good PC, thank you. Although my studies
were in the humanities and despite my lamentable ignorance of maths, I
have no difficulty in thinking of the computer as a part of my own body,
a kind of artificial extension no more complicated than my spectacles,
just more powerful.
In order for us to arrive - for the benefit of all - at a new concept
of what being human means, women need to get over their technophobia,
which is not "natural" at all, but socially induced. As Haraway and Rosi
Braidotti have put it, the way to avoid becoming "robot victims of IT
dominance" is to renew the language of political struggle, relinquishing
the tactics of head-on opposition and preferring instead a more specific
and diffuse strategy, based on irony, oblique attacks, coalitions based
on affinities between those who are socially marginalized from the currents
of power. This is because power no longer functions the way Foucault saw
it, by normalising differences. Instead it acts through multiple connections
and communications networks, which to a great extent are based on the
new technologies. Women still count among the socially marginalized, and
as such they are "eccentric" enough to be able to make an original and
creative contribution to what Derrick De Kerkhove has called "connective
Getting on the Internet is thus not just necessary but inevitable. Which
is to say, we women would be really dumb, if we let slip this historic
opportunity to get our hands on the man-made world and go hacking around
until we might actually change the rules of the game.
Meanwhile, we can at least score some points. The homepage I mastered
to host my literary output and open a direct communication link with my
readership has been far more successful than I dared hope. I don't think
it's helped to sell that many copies of Benvenuti in questo ambiente,
but it has put me in touch with large numbers of people with whom otherwise
I'd have had no contact at all, and it has brought me some qualitative
recognition. It was a pleasant surprise for me when the site won a "Cult98"
award as one of Italy's top ten cultural sites: after all, my site has
no back-up from any organisation, it's managed entirely by two people,
one of whom is me while the other is a young philosophy student, so that
neither has a science background. In fact the best result (also the one
I wanted most) has been exactly that: the breaking down of the traditional
barrier in Italy between humanist and technical/scientific culture. Because
of the homepage, many specialist Internet or cyberculture magazines carried
reviews of the novel. I might add that they tended to get the point rather
better than the traditional literary critics.
I may as well confess that making up the website was a lot of fun. I took
special care with the pages containing hyperlinks, the linchpins of Net
logistics. The page which I called "Utilities for Bookmaniacs and Cyberfeminists"
is a bit heavy: one of the sections follows up some of the novel's themes,
with references to my sources, such as the essays of Sherry Turkle and
Sandy Stone on transformation of identity, or the state of the art in
respect of artificial life and intelligence; certain other sections provide
a "social service", with links to women's organisations and support groups.
There are also indications as to sites on Italian literature which I found
interesting, dictionaries and so on. Another page, called "Six Characters
in Search of Websites", is a Pirandello-style game in which every character
in my novel can be given one or more sites according to character, or
where the character and role in the novel can be guessed from those sites.
Those readers who enjoyed the net jargon used by my characters, especially
the critic who kindly noted "the timely references to the tricks of the
Web" and described the novel as "made to measure for surfers on the Internet",
would no doubt be surprised to find out that my homepage was the result
of all the research I carried out for the novel, and not the origin of
it. But that shouldn't really surprise anyone. All my research was done
off-line, in books, magazines and newspapers or on CD-ROM, because I,
like many women, suffered from a lack of confidence with the medium: I
thought that going on-line would mean loss of concentration and a great
deal of time-wasting. But when I did finally get hooked up, I soon realised
that "wasting time" is the most productive way there is of getting into
the Internet's potential: surfing around areas that apparently have nothing
to do with what I'm interested in, hitting links that take my fancy, joining
forums and chatlines. I realised that, in order to get something serious
done, I was first going to have to learn how to fool around.
That's one hang-up which women still have to get rid of, especially women
of my generation. Men have always understood that curiosity is creative,
that an apparently futile game can end up by giving a revelatory twist
to one's awareness of reality, producing inventions. We have got used
to taking life too seriously, and to feeling guilty about having fun.
This attitude is being perpetuated in the ways that women use the Internet,
so far as I can see from studies on the subject, including in Italy. A
study by Infoperla found that women tend to seek useful information and
contacts for their work, and use e-mail a lot. On the other hand, they
use forums and leisure sites relatively little. I do not in the least
believe that this is the result of a presumed "communication gender gap",
meaning that men and women have a different language and different interests,
and that there's a need to develop "feminine information". There are two
reasons for my not accepting that idea. First of all, I may be a cyborg
convinced that the salvation of the human race will depend on the creation
of a non-gender condition, but biologically I am still of the female sex;
secondly, in my journeys through the Web and other parts of the Internet
I have noticed that young girls use language and modes of interaction
that are no different from those of young boys. There may be some shyness
at first, but who wouldn't be reticent when starting out in such a small
minority? In site development, the many Webmistresses already operating
show the quiet confidence that derives from full awareness of one's own
skills (and they are often conspicuous by their originality, too). This
leads me to think that all that is needed to facilitate Internet access
for Italian women is to raise the visibility of those women already on
the Net. The more of us there are, the more there will be. When the majority
of other women find out that this is not an environment for men only,
and that you don't need a specific technical/scientific "calling" to get
started, then the fear of "wasting time" will disappear from our mentality,
too, and we can all start having a lot of highly productive fun.
Lecture by Carmen Covito at Smau conferences
"Women, Technology and Quality of Life"
Milan Trade Fair - 23 October 1998